Acey Slade from Murderdolls

Acey Slade
© 2007 Varja Linnea Askeland all rights reserved

A drawing I made in 2007 of Acey Slade from Murderdolls. The reason I chose to draw him was:
First, he is cool! And second, I really love his hands and I basically wanted to see if I could draw them well.
I used my usual 0.7 mm pencil, and also various other pencils.

Bill Kaulitz from Tokio Hotel

Bill Kaulitz
© 2007 Varja Linnea Askeland all rights reserved

Another drawing of Bill Kaulitz that I made in 2007.
I remember that his eyes were hard to draw, since I wanted them to look alive.
I used my usual 0.7 mm pencil, and also various other pencils.
(An extra note is unfortunately that this drawing + one other drawing of Bill Kaulitz, was stolen by a girl on deviantART a few years ago. She had downloaded them and posted them on her page and wrote how and when she made them, terrible!)

Fängelse av rosor

I en klänning av rosor
Ett väldoftande fängelse ilar
Hemliga drömmar vacklar och brister
Livets röda svall vilar

Bladen hänger tunga
Släpper taget och faller
En naken stjälk av törn
Kramar fast som galler

Sprider gift i glömskans sår
Blodet kokar i evig brand
En ström av falska minnen
Lämnar längtans hand

© 2013 Varja Linnea Askeland all rights reserved

Pandora’s Box

It started out with a kiss in a scene
A silent dream in black and white
Beauty brought silver to the screen
With eyes that sparkled so bright

Then it was the expected senses that mattered
And the new dream became a coloured noise
Leaving the old silver tattered
And beauty was lost without a voice

© 2013 Varja Linnea Askeland all rights reserved
(A poem I wrote as a tribute to Louise Brooks)

The cry of the wolf

Woods of silver, a hidden sight
Lures behind the trees
Among the shadows of night
A silent roar in a breeze

Mountains of silver, a frozen howl
A call to others of his kind
To share his nightly prowl
But no one to find

Eyes of gold, a stolen tear
Colours the ground red
A cry he can not hear
Now everyone is dead

© 2013 Varja Linnea Askeland all rights reserved

Mina stenar

Här står jag i ett hål med fötter av stenar
Min kropp smyckas som ett träd
Tyngden sänker mig längre och längre ner
Mitt hjärta luras in i en dödlig fälla

Röda blommor färgar min svartvita mardröm
Jag är dömd utan att kunna fly
Hålet växer och blir mitt hem
Nere i mörkret förlorar jag min själ

© 2013 Varja Linnea Askeland all rights reserved

Louise Brooks

Louise Brooks
© 2012 Varja Linnea Askeland all rights reserved

I got an early Christmas gift from my mother, since I’m going to spend Christmas in France.
I got three beautiful sets of pencils: Cretacolor – Soft Graphite, Charcoal and Monolith, and I couldn’t wait to make my next drawing.
This time I chose Louise Brooks again, because she is my greatest role model. It was the first time I used Monolith and Charcoal pencils.
I drew the contours with my trusty 0.7 mm pencil, the soft shadows with Monolith – 4B, 6B, 9B and the dark shadows with Charcoal Medium pencil.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Helena Bonham Carter in Sweeney Todd

Helena Bonham Carter
© 2012 Varja Linnea Askeland all rights reserved

This is my latest drawing, and this times I chose to draw the beautiful Helena Bonham Carter from Tim Burton’s Sweeney Tood.
The drawing took quite some time to finish. The dress was the hardest part to finish, because of all the little details.
I drew the contours with my faithful 0,7 mm pencil and the shadows with a Cretacolor 7B soft graphite pencil.