Below the grieving moon

From midnight hour, howl be heard
Ye have come, death and his bride
Reeking lusts of sodomized wounds
Thou art the seducer by my side

As they saw, I could not see
Fatal sun, destruction beam
Roaring hunger into oblivion
Decieving light, ne’er as it seem

From midnight hour, hollow be free
Ye who seized the rain, pretend to cry
Shrieking souls of eternal fall
Thou art death in its grievous eye

As they felt, I could not feel
Ye who harvest the grain, pretend to run
Swooning prey into mirage
As they lov’d, I loved none

© 2012 Varja Linnea Askeland all rights reserved

Ursprungligen från en dikt jag skrev 2009, med originaltitel — “Full moon”,
men det finns inte så mycket av den gamla dikten kvar i denna jag skrev idag.
När jag skrev denna dikten lyssnade jag på, och blev inspirerad av:
“Funeral in Carpathia” av Cradle of Filth, från albumet Midnight in the Labyrinth